Friday, February 27, 2009

Letter from the Editor:

Dear first time reader,
You have in front of your eyes a cheap publication, but nevertheless a publication filled with words meant to motivate, change, inspire, and yes, offend. This is Crisis, IU's only current, student run underground news publication, too shitty to print professionally and too pathetic to produce in mass quantity (but good enough for free blog space from google!) That’s Crisis . Plain and simple.

Here at Crisis we’re about opinions. We are about sharing opinions meant to challenge and question the status quo and to influence and inspire those craving a change, be it social, political, cultural, etc. We are about opinions that will remove the first amendment (freedom of speech) from the forbidden section of our psyches and put it right into play. We are about publishing criticisms that will take advantage of the relative freedom of the press in order to strive for positive change. There it is change. Change. We are not a paper to simply inform. We are here to make you make you stop and think, question, advocate , and mobilize- in short to become a more active participant in a society largely needing direction and guidance.

The fact of the matter is that at a college campus we are loaded with opinions, aspirations, dreams, and ideas. But too often we are content. Too often we are silent. Too often we are worrying about the scrupulous details of a minute task at hand instead of focusing on the larger picture; the picture of life and how our role plays into this grandiose equation of being. As college students we have the power,  the ability, and  more so the responsibility to organize, question, and dictate what WE WANT. All it takes is a little thinking outside the box to let nature take its course with the ever so revolutionary phenomenon of the ripple-effect.
Our goal here at Crisis is to develop a readership that will be more critical of the status quo, one that will develop an aptitude to question.

And if we get criticized by others, god willing, that would be fantastic and well appreciated! Do criticize, but take an intelligent approach so your peers legitimately hear you out, so others can actually understand what the hell you're saying (or attempting to say). At the very least that would encourage some students to start to think, or to make an attempt. Use your brain(s). After all, we pay enough money to get them "educated".

This paper is named Crisis in honor of Uruguayan journalist Eduardo Galeano, a Michelangelo of the written word and an individual widely unknown in developed countries for his passionate accounts of the struggle that was and still is Latin America. As a journalist in exile in Buenos Aires more than 30 years ago, Galeano ran a magazine that criticized the status quo and which sought to influence its readership to manifest for change. That magazine was called Crisis.

Opinions, commentaries and criticisms
will be openly embraced and wholeheartedly encouraged (but please, no death threats). Thank you!


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Hanging outside the villiage deli

hanging outside the village deli